We have a few ideas on small business retirement plans.

 We have a few ideas on small business retirement plans.

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Can We Suspend Our Safe Harbor Contributions Mid-Plan Year?

Small to mid-size professional service firms are currently scrambling to re-adjust their budgets due to the economic disruption of coronavirus...

Large vs Small 401(k) Plans: Which Has Bigger Problems?

Often when I first talk with plan sponsors for smaller plans, it is common for them to mention up front that they are very happy with their plan. I...

Why Professional Service Firms Should Sponsor a 401(k) Plan

I work as a retirement plan financial advisor  to professional service organizations such as legal practices, physician groups and dentists. A big...

10 Attributes of Highly Successful 401(k) Plans.

For the past 8 years, I have had the opportunity to help hundreds of plan sponsors to design and manage successful 401(k) plans. In my opinion,...

Toss Those Market Forecasts in 2020

If you are like me, your email this month is full of Holiday invites, year-end offers, and requests for charitable donations.  December is also the...
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Strategic Retirement Partners, LLC is a registered investment adviser in the State of Washington. The adviser may not transact business in states where it is not appropriately registered, excluded or exempted from registration. Individualized responses to persons that involve either the effecting of transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will not be made without registration or exemption. Currently, Strategic Retirement Partners, LLC handles most of its out of state clients via an exemption process. For more information, please read the ADV - Brochure and check the background of this firm on FINRA's BrokerCheck


Audit Proof Your Company’s 401(k) Plan!

It is highly probable that your company’s 401(k) plan will be subjected to audits conducted by the DOL and the Internal Revenue Service at some point in the future. If you are not 100% certain what documents you will need, download this free copy of our “Fiduciary Audit File Checklist” and be sure!